DMs needed!

Want to run a game at Westercon 66? Talk to us about it at!

Pass the Toast!

David_Gerrold_startrekWe are super pleased to announce that David Gerrold, Hugo and Nebula award winning writer (and author of the beloved Star Trek – The Original Series Tribbles episodes), will be our Toastmaster!

David is funny and personable and will know how to stretch keep the audience eager for the next event. You can visit his blog here, and see him live in July at Westercon 66! Check out the Guests of Honor page for more information.


Next Westercon Committee Meeting April 14

Our next committee meeting will be on Sunday, April 14, at the Hilton Arden West. The exact time is still being set. The meeting will start at 11:00 AM.

This will be a working meeting, with a short general session and then breaking out into departments.  It is open to the public; people interested in joining to help with the convention are encouraged to attend as well.

Art Show Update

Our art show information and rules are now available on the Art Show Page!

Get yer Progress Report #3!

Due to the efforts of some of our best agents, information continues to flow. Make sure to read Progress Report #3 while the news is hot!

Program Suggestion form is live!

Have an idea for a program item?I am Agent 66 Word Balloon
Our new program suggestion form (integrated into our growing program database) is now live and available for your input!

Progress Report #2 Is Up!

Who Is Agent 66? Word BalloonOur agents have been busy gathering data – inspect the latest report!

Happy New Year — Westercon 66 coming to events near you…

Westercon 66 will be on hand at both Further Confusion  and Gallifrey One in the near future.
Further Confusion (“FurCon”) is January 17-21, 2013, at the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose Marriott, and San Jose Hilton, in (logically enough) San Jose California, while Gallifrey One is February 15-17, 2013, at the LAX Marriott in Los Angeles, California.

We’re also sending folks out to smaller events all over the Western Region.

FC2013 At FurCon, look for our Fan Table, and join us on Friday night for our infamous  This is an Ordinary Hotel Room* party!
You might even be able to join co-chair Kevin Roche for a spin in his fleet of flying saucers.


At Gallifrey, we are hosting a special pre-convention version of the Ordinary Hotel Room* party on THURSDAY evening in room 110.

Look for our representatives at the convention all weekend; several of the committee members are also helping host the “Torchwood 4 Cabal” A Room Party Called Mercy in the same room on Friday Night.

*These are NOT meetings of covert operators. Got that? No Secret Agents here. Nope.


November Appearances and Meeting

Westercon 66 will be on hand at both Convolution (Nov 2-4, 2012, Hyatt Regency SFO, Burlingame, California) and LosCon (Nov 23-25, LAX Marriott, Los Angeles, California).

At Convolution, look for our fan table and for signs pointing to our Saturday evening  This is an Ordinary Hotel Room* party!  In addition, Convolution has generously offered us space for an open committee meeting on Sunday November 4.


At Loscon, once again, look for our operatives behind the Westercon 66 banner at our fan table. There, however, you should seek out the Ordinary Hotel Room* party on FRIDAY evening.

*These are NOT meetings of covert operators. Got that? No Secret Agents here. Nope.


Agent 66 Gallery is live!

We continued our search for the elusive Agent 66 while we were in Chicago at
Chicon 7, the 70th World Science Fiction Convention.

Visit the Who is Agent 66? Gallery page for a look at some of the upstanding citizens who have assisted us in the search!

Hotel Reservations Are Now Open!

Westercon 66 is pleased to announce that room reservations at the Hilton Arden West are now open!

We have negotiated a room rate of $109/night for single/double/triple/quad occupancy for the dates July 3 through July 9, 2013

Reservations may be made via our custom reservation page or by using the group code WES in the main Hilton reservation system.

Contact if you have any questions.

Westercon 66 at 70th Worldcon

Chicon is the 70th World Science Fiction Convention. All agents, the committed and the curious, are invited to attend a Westercon 66 “Ordinary Hotel Room” party in room 3352 at 8pm on Friday, August 31.

Our special agents can also be found in the fan table area, in case you need to register.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter – @Westercon66 – to get time/room updates!