Author Archives: Kevin Roche

Westercon 66 will be at Further Confusion

We won’t have a fan table, but we will be hosting a party Thursday night. Since the theme for Further Confusion is The Infurmary, we invite you to join us for The Mysterious Room Party of Doctor Moreau.

Further Confusion is being held at the San Jose Convention Center January 12-16, with the attached Hilton and Marriott hotels as host hotels.

The party will be at the Marriott in Room 403; we expect to open the doors at 9pm and shall tweet the room number and opening announcement as soon as we’re ready to go. If you are attending FC, be sure to check out our operation!

Online Registration is now open!

Memberships went on sale this weekend at Renovation, the 69th World Science Fiction Convention. Current rates are $50 Attending, $30 Supporting. Visit the Membership page for more details, or go directly to the secure online registration forms to get your membership to Westercon 66!
The Early-Bird rate of $50 will go up to $65 on December 1, 2011!
Oops — we discovered the reg server was running on Mountain Time. Early-Bird has been extended through December 1.

The price to upgrade from Voting to full Attending is $25 and does not change on Dec. 1. If you voted, drop a note to to get your voter’s authorization code.

Westercon 66 Joins the SFSFC fold

San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc., the 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that ran Westercons 64 (2011) and 53 (2000), has adopted the Westercon 66 committee into its corporate family.

Westercon 66 will operate as a standing committee of SFSFC, like the other conventions operated by SFSFC.

Want to help?

We’ve been overwhelmed with offers of help with Westercon 66 on the FaceBook group and page; so much so that the comments have been scrolling by faster than we could effectively capture them.

If you’re interested in being part of the committee, staff, or just helping out at the convention, drop a note to and let us know. Be sure to mention any past experience you have, as well as any particular areas you’re interested in working on.