Welcome to Intelligence Central for Westercon 66, the 2013 edition of the longest-running general science fiction convention in western North America!
4270 days ago
We’ll be convening July 4-7, 2013, at the Hilton Arden West in Sacramento, California.
Guests of Honor
Writers: Nicola Griffith and Kelley Eskridge,
Artist: Eric Shanower
Fans: “The Three Who Rule” (Warren Frey, Steven Schapansky, Chris Burgess)
Small Press Special Guest: David Maxine
Toastmaster: David Gerrold
Special Costume Guests: John and Bjo Trimble
A different show every night:
Thursday: View Fireworks courtesy of nearby Cal Expo!
Friday: Music Day, featuring appearances by Cliff Winnig, UnWoman, and a concert/dance by The Phenomenauts!
Saturday: The traditional Westercon Masquerade
What’s a General Science Fiction Convention? A gathering of science fiction and fantasy fans of all genre and media, put on by fans for fans. We think Westercon should be awesome! And with you there, sharing your love of books, tv/movies/anime, costuming/cosplay, gaming, furry… whatever your love is — it will be!
Latest News
RIP Eileen Tuurri, 1959-2013

Long an avid reader, Eileen Tuuri started in fandom with Star Wars, and with the Santa Barbara Science Fiction Alliance in the 1980’s. She was always enthusiastic, and one of the most productive people I have ever known, creating costumes, knitwear, dollhouse furniture...Read More »
Press Release: Westercon 66 Site Selection Ballot Now Available
PO Box 61363, Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 USA
info@westercon66.org; http://www.westercon66.org
For immediate release: Thursday, 25 APR 2013
The deadline for bids to be listed on the Westercon site selection ballot has passed. San Diego...Read More »
Westercon 66 does podcasts!
Westercon 66’s intrepid co-chairs have made a few media appearances in the podcastverse:
- JackalCast 010 (talking all about Westercon, naturally)
- Nerdvana episodes 5a-5d (talking about Doctor Who, with Westercon news cleverly slipped in along the way):
Help Wanted at the Art Show
Are you arriving early to Westercon 66 or staying late?
Elayne Pelz says: The Art Show needs help setting up and tearing down the panels. Starting at 4:00 pm on July 3 until done and then again at 4:00 pm July 7 until done.
DMs needed!
Want to run a game at Westercon 66? Talk to us about it at http://bit.ly/YAgSKW!
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